17. Clark, D. A. (January, 2014). Cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety disorders and worry. Telseminar sponsored by The Practice Institute, Atlanta, Georgia.
16. Clark, D. A. (November 11, 2013). Cure for the Common Cold of Mental Illness? Barbara Dicker Foundation public address, Swinburne University, Melboourne, Australia.
15. Clark, D. A. (October, 2012). Opening Pandora’s Box: Research and clinical implcations of the mental control paradox. Department of Psychology, University of New Brunswick Colloquium, Fredericton, Canada.
14. Mastikhina, L., & Clark, D. A. (April, 2012). Memory recognition bias, intrusions and the cognitive control of disgust emotion. Paper presented at the second research meeting of the Research Consortium on Intrusive Fear, Montreal.
13. Clark, D. A. Obsessions and the Paradox of Mental Control. Colloquium presentation, Department of Psychology, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, October13, 2006.
12. Clark, D. A. Depression in University Students: A Psychologist’s Perspective. Invited speaker for depression seminar sponsored by the UNB Student Union, University of New Brunswick, March 23, 2006.
11. Clark, D. A. Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy for OCD. Invited public address, Issues in Psychology Lecture Series, Department of Psychology, University of New Brunswick, January 25, 2005.
10. Clark, D. A. Thought control in obsessions. Invited colloquium, Psychological Intervention Section, Fernand-Seguin Research Centre, Montréal, Québec, March, 2003.
9. Clark, D. A. Beck’s cognitive theory of depression: Fact or fiction? Colloquium, Department of Psychology, University of Maine, Orono, ME, December , 1998.
8. Clark, D. A. Understanding depression: A reconsideration of Beck’s cognitive vulnerability hypothesis. Special clinical colloquium speaker, Department of Psychology, Dalhousie University, January 19, 1996.
7. Clark, D. A. Why Be Depressed: Examining Our Response to Rejection and Failure. Arts Forum Presentation, Faculty of Arts, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, February, 1994.
6. Clark, D. A. Recent Trends in Cognitive Theory of Anxiety and Depression. Colloquium presentation at Acadia University, Wolfville, N. S., February, 1993.
5. Clark, D. A. Cognitive factors in anxiety and depression. Colloquium lecture at Universite de Moncton, November, 1990.
4. Clark, D. A. Cognitive therapy of depression. Public lecture on given at symposium on depression held at the Dr Everett Chalmers Hospital, November, 1988.
3. Clark, D. A. Cognitive dysfunction in the eating disorders. Lecture given at the weekly teaching seminar at the Center for Cognitive Therapy, Philadelphia, March, 1987.
2. Clark, D. A. Emotional disorders: diagnosis and treatment. June,1986. A series of five guest appearances on the CHSJ TV program Mid-day, Saint John, N.B.
1. Clark, D. A. Cognitive-emotive interaction: a report on two investigations into the nature of anxious and depressive cognitions. Paper presented at a Psychology Colloquium, Institute of Psychiatry, October, 1984.