Research Grants
- Clark D. A., O’Sullivan, L. & Fuller, R. Adaptive and maladaptive coping with relationship loss. University Research Fund. Duration: 1 year (01/12 to 01/13) Total =$6,977.
- Clark, D. A., & Radomsky, A. Origins of Internal Fear: A Multinational Collaboration on Distressing Fearful Thoughts. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Duration: 1 year; (April, 2010). Total = $70,250
- Clark, D. A. Yuzda, W., Talbot, F., & McKell, C. Best Practice in the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression: An Investigation of Access and Availability for New Brunswick Adults. Mindcare. Duration: 2 years (awarded June, 2009). Total = $15,000.
- Talbot, F., & Clark, D. A. Utilisation de traitements basse sur les donnes probantes de la dépression et de laxité chez les adultes : Consultation auprès de professionnels de la santé œuvrant en milieu francophone minoritaire et anglophone majoritaire au Nouveau-Brunswick [Use of evidence-based treatments for depression and anxiety in adults : Survey of New Brunswick health professionals working in French minority and English majority communities.] Fonds national de démarrage de la recherche Consortium national de formation en sant Secrétariat national. Duration = 1 years (March, 2009). Total = $19,885.91.
- Clark, D. A., Talbot, F., & McKell, C. Development of a Collaborative Research Initiative for Best Practices in Mental Health Care. Canadian Institutes of Health Research: PHSI Meetings, Planning and Dissemination Grant. Duration: 1 year (January, 2009). Total = $15,000.
- Piercey, D., & Clark, D. A. New Brunswick Cyberpsychology and Anxiety (NBCA) Virtual Lab. New Brunswick Innovation Foundation Research Assistantship Initiative. Duration: 1 year (April, 2007) Total = $10,000.00.
- Piercey, D., & Clark, D. A. New Brunswick Cyberpsychology and Anxiety (NBCA) Virtual Lab. New Brunswick Innovation Foundation. Duration: 1 year. (January, 2007) Total = $18,627.00.
- Clark, D. A. Vulnerability and Resilience to Depression Onset in Young Adults. New Brunswick Innovation Foundation Duration: 1 year. (January, 2007). Total = $25,000.00.
- Bouchard, S., Clark, D. A. et al. (1 of 10 co-investigators) Canadian cyberpsychology network. Canadian Foundation for Innovation. Duration: 3 years (December, 2005). Total = $1,166,282.00.
- Clark, D. A. Vulnerability and Resilience to Depression Onset in Young Adults: A Pilot Investigation of Positive and Negative Self-Referent Processing. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Regional Partnership Program. Duration: 1 year (March, 2007). Total= $19,388.00.
- Clark, D. A. & Robinson, G. Cognitive and Psychophysiological Vulnerability to Depression: Toward the Prevention of Depression in Young Adults. Medical Research Fund of New Brunswick Duration: 1 year (January, 2004) Total = $20,000.00.
- Clark, D. A. Psychological and social risk for first onset depression in Canadian Youth. Canadian Institutes of Health Research Seed Grant Duration: 1 year. (April,2003) Total = $1500.00
- Clark, D. A. & Purdon, C. The Insidious Effects of Mental Control: An Experimental Approach. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Duration: 3 years. (April 2001) Total = $100,500.
- Clark, D. A. & Gupta-Rogers, R. Decision-Making of Health Care Professionals in Referring Women with Breast Cancer for Psychological Services. National Cancer Institute- New Brunswick Regional Research Development Program. Duration: 2 years (June, 1999). Total = $13,900.
- Clark, D.A., Beck, A.T., & Antony, M.M. Item Evaluation of the Clark-Beck Obsessive Compulsive Inventory. Foundation for Cognitive Therapy and Research Duration: 2 years (June, 1999). Total = $6000.
- Byers, E. S., & Clark, D. A. Living with Chemically Induced Menopause: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences of Breast Cancer Survivors. Medical Research Fund of New Brunswick. Duration: 2 years (June, 1997). Total = $7,700.
- Byers, E. S., & Clark, D. A. Living with Chemically Induced Menopause in Breast Cancer Survivors. Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. Duration: 3 years (October, 1995) Total = $15,100.
- Clark, D. A., & Gupta-Rogers, R. Coping with cardiovascular disease: A six month follow-up of risk factors associated with cardiac recovery. Medical Research Fund of New Brunswick Duration: 2 years (February, 1995) Total = $16,100.
- Clark, D. A. A Measure of Metacognitive Beliefs. University Research Fund. Duration: 1 year. (April, 1994) Total = $1,800.
- Clark, D. A. Depressive and anxious symptoms in hospitalized chronic medically ill patients, depressed psychiatric inpatients, and normal controls. Centracare Foundation. Duration: 1 year (1992) Total = $3,400.
- Clark, D. A. Sociotropy, Autonomy and the Cognitive Processing of Negative Emotion-Eliciting Events. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Duration: 3 years (April, 1992). Total = $57,200.
- Clark, D. A. Individual differences in life event appraisals. University Research Fund. Duration: 1 year (May, 1991) Total = $1,000.
- Clark, D. A. Depressive Symptoms in Hospitalized Medically Ill Patients. New Brunswick Medical Research Fund. Duration: 3 years (July, 1991). Total = $13,600.
- Clark, D. A. Individual differences in emotionality. University Research Fund. Duration: 1 year (May, 1990). Total = $1,400.
- Clark, D. A. Life stressor, personality and cognitive factors in a community survey sample. University Research Fund. Duration: 1 year (May, 1989). Total = $1,200.
- Clark, D. A. Patterns of affect and cognition in psychiatric inpatients. Mental Health Commission Research Grant. Duration: 1 year (October, 1989). Total = $2,000.
- Clark, D. A. Life stressor, personality and cognitive factors in a community survey sample. Foundation for Cognitive Therapy Research Grant. Duration: 1 year (November, 1989). Total = $2,800.