University of London, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK
Degree: PhD (1984); Supervisors: David Hemsley, PhD & Padmal de Silva, MPhil
Dissertation Title: Psychophysiological, behavioral, and self-report investigations into cognitive-affective interaction within the context of potentially aversive ideation.
University of London, Institute of Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology, London, UK
Degree: MPhil (1982); Supervisor: Derek Bolton, PhD; Discussant: S. Rachman, PhD
Thesis Title: The familial characteristics of obsessive-compulsive adolescents: A comparative study.
New School for Social Research, New York City, USA
Degree: MA (1977); Social & Personality
Houghton College, Houghton, New York USA
Degree: B.Sc. (1975; summa cum laude)
published books & tests
11. Brown, G. P., & Clark, D. A. (2015). Cognitive therapy assessment, diagnosis and case formulation. New York: Guilford Press.
10. Clark, D. A. (2014). The Mood Repair Toolkit: Proven Strategies to Prevent the Blues from Turning into Depression. New York: Guilford Press. [Translations: Japanese]
9. Clark, D. A. & Beck, A.T. (2012). The worry and anxiety workbook: The cognitive behavioral solution. New York: Guilford Press. [Translations: Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Hebrew]
8. Clark, D. A. & Beck, A. T. (2010). Cognitive therapy for anxiety disorders; Science and practice. New York: Guilford Press. [Translations: Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Hebrew]
7. Purdon, C. & Clark, D. A. (2005). Overcoming Obsessive Thoughts: Free Your Mind from OCD. New Harbinger Press, Oakland, CA. [Translation: Roman]
6. Clark, D. A. (2005). Intrusive thoughts in clinical disorders: Theory, Research & Treatment. New York: Guilford Press. [Translated into Japanese by Yanno, Y., Sugiura, Y., Kobori, O., Yamazaki, S., & Takase, C. Toyoko: Seiwa Shoten Publishers, 2006.]
5. Clark, D. A. (2004).Cognitive behaviorial therapy for OCD. New York: Guilford Press.
4. Reinecke, M. A., & Clark, D. A. (2004). Cognitive therapy across the lifespan: Theory, Research and Practice. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
[Translated into Polish by Kubinscy, O.W., & Giczela, J. Psychoterapia poznawcza: w teorii I praktyce. Gdansk, Poland: Gdanskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, 2005.]
3. Clark, D. A., & Beck, A. T. (2002). Clark-Beck Obsessive Compulsive Inventory. San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.
2. Clark, D. A., & Beck, A. T. (2002). Manual for the Clark-Beck Obsessive Compulsive Inventory. San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.
1. Clark, D. A. & Beck, A. T. (with Alford, B.) (1999). Scientific Foundations of Cognitive Theory and Therapy of Depression. New York: John Wiley & Sons. [Translation: Italian.]
journal articles (refereed)
90. Kazantzis, N., Clark, D. A., & Petrik, A. M. (revise & resubmit). How to succeed at homework: Using case formulation to enhance client ‘buy-in’. Psychotherapy.
89. McHale, N., Clark, D. A., & Tremante, L. (revise & resubmit). Does Optimism Moderate Mood Repair? A Daily Diary Study.Motivation and Emotion.
88. Talbot, F., Clark, D. A., et al. (accepted). “Gatekeepers” perspectives on treatment access for anxiety and depression: A survey of New Brunswick family physicians. Canadian Psychologist.
87. Clark, D. A. & Radomsky, A. S. (accepted). Introduction. A Global perspective on unwanted intrusive thoughts. Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders.
86. Moulding, R., Coles, M. E., Abramowitz, J. S., Alcolado, G. M., Alonso, P., Belloch, A., Bouvard, M., Clark, D. A., ; Doron, G.,et al. (accepted). Part 2. Do we all dislike intrusive thoughts for the same reasons? Links between appraisals,control strategies and intrusions across countries. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Realted Disorders.
85. Hilchey, C. A., & Clark, D. A. (in press). Context in anxiety sensitivity: The role of expectancy, catastrophic misinterpretations, and diminished reappraisal in response to hypothetical physical arousal scenarios.Cognitive Therapy and Research.
84. Clark, D. A., & Inozu, M. (in press). Unwanted intrusive thoughts: Cultural, contextual, covariationa, and characterological determinants of diversity. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Realted Disorders.
83. Clark, D. A., Abramowitz, J., et al. (in press). Part 3. A question of perspective:The association between intrusive thoughts and obsessionality in 11 countries. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders.
82. Radomsky, A. S., Alcolado, G. M., Abramowitz, J., Alonso, P., Belloch, A., Bouvard, M., Clark, D. A., (in press). Part 1. You can run but you can’t hide: Intrusive thoughts on six continents. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders.
81. Dozois, D. J. A., Mikail, S., Alden, L. E., Bieling, P. J., Bourgon, G., Clark, D. A., Drapeau, M., Greenberg, L., Hunsley, J., & Johnston, C. (accepted). The CPA Presidential Task Force on Evidence-Based Practice of Psychological Treatments. Canadian Psychologist.
80. del Palacio-Gonzalez, A., & Clark, D. A. (in press). Cognitive specificity in normal fear and sadness: An investigation of emotional reactivity and recovery from experimental mood induction. Cognitive Therapy and Research.
79. Hale, M. A. & Clark, D. A. (2014). When good people have bad thoughts: Religiosity and the emotional regulation of guilt-inducing intrusive thoughts. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 41, 24-35.
78. Clark, D. A. (2013). Collaborative empiricism: A cognitive response to exposure reluctance and low distress tolerance. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 20, 445-454.
77. Soriano, G.-G., Belloch, A., Clark, D. A., & del Palacio, A. (2012).Self-worth contingencies and obsessionality: A promising approach to vulnerability? Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders, 1, 196-202.
76. Inozu, M., Karanci, N., & Clark, D. A. (2012). Why are religious individuals more obsessional? The role of mental control beliefs and guilt in Muslims and Christians. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 43, 959-966.
75. Inozu, M., Clark, D. A., & Karanci, A. N. (2012). Scrupulosity in Muslins and Christians: A Comparative Study of Turkish and Canadian Students, Behavior Therapy, 43, 190-202.
74. Soriano, G.-G., Belloch, A., Morillo, C., & Clark, D. A. (2011). Symptom dimensions in obsessive-compulsive disorder: From normal cognitive intrusions to clinical obsessions. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25, 474-482.
73. Clark, D. A., & Beck, A. T. (2010). Cognitive theory and therapy of anxiety and depression: A convergence with neurobiological findings. Trends in Cognitive Science, 14, 418-424.
72. Belloch, A., Reina, N., Garcia-Soriano, G., & Clark, D. A. (2009). Inventario Clark-Beck de Obsesión-Compulsión (C-BOCI): Validación para su uso en población española. Revista de Psicopatologia y Psicologia Clinica, 14, 95-105.
71. Clark, D. A. (2009). Mental control of anxious and depressive cognitions. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 2, 207-209.
70. Clark, D. A., & Purdon, C. (2009). Mental control of unwanted intrusive thoughts: A phenomenological study of nonclinical individuals. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 2, 267-281.
69. Clark, D. A. (2009). Cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety and depression: Possibilities and limitations of a transdiagnostic perspective. Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 30(suppl. 1), 29-34.
68. Clark, D. A., & Taylor, S. (2009). The transdiagnostic perspective in cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety and depression: New wine for old wineskins? Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly, 23, 60-66.
67. Taylor, S., & Clark, D. A. (2009). Transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioral treatments for mood and anxiety disorders: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly, 23, 3-5.
66. Steer, R. A., Clark, D. A., Kumar, G., & Beck, A. T. (2008). Common and specific dimensions of self-reported anxiety and depression in adolescent outpatients. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 30, 163-170.
65. Clark, D. A. (2005). Focus on ‘cognition’ in cognitive behavior therapy for OCD: Is it really necessary? Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 34, 131-139.
64. Clark, D. A. (2005) Lumping vs. splitting: A commentary on subtyping in OCD. Behavior Therapy, 36, 401-404.
63. Clark, D. A., Antony, M. M., Beck, A. T., Swinson, R. P, & Steer, R. A. (2005). Screening for obsessive and compulsive symptoms: Validation of the Clark-Beck Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory, Psychological Assessment, 17, 132-143.
62. Obsessive Compulsive Cognitions Working Group (2005). Psychometric validation of the Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire and the Interpretation of Intrusions Inventory: Part 2. Factor analyses and testing of a brief version. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43, 1527-1542.
61. Oates-Johnson, T., & Clark, D. A. (2004). Sociotropy, body dissatisfaction and perceived disapproval in dieting women: A prospective diathesis-stress study of dysphoria. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 28, 715-731.
60. Obsessive Compulsive Cognitions Working Group (2003). Psychometric validation of the Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire and the Interpretation of Intrusions Inventory: Part I. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 41, 863-878.
59. Clark, D. A., Purdon, C., & Wang, A. (2003). The Meta-Cognitive Beliefs Questionnaire: Development of a measure of obsessional beliefs. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 41, 655-669.
58. Clark, D. A. (2002). Unwanted mental intrusions in clinical disorders: An introduction. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly, 16, 123-126.
57. Wang, A., & Clark, D. A. (2002). Haunting thoughts: The problem of obsessive mental intrusions. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly, 16, 193-208.
56. Clark, D. A. (2001). The persistent problem of negative cognition in anxiety and depression: New perspectives and old controversies. Behavior Therapy, 32, 3-12.
55. Purdon, C. & Clark, D. A. (2001). Suppression of obsession-like thoughts in nonclinical individuals: Impact on thought frequency, appraisal and mood state. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 39, 1163-1181.
54. Obsessive Compulsive Cognitions Working Group (2001). Development and initial validation of the Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire and the Interpretations of Intrusions Inventory. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 39, 987-1006.
53. Clark, D. A. (2000). Cognitive behavior therapy for obsessions and compulsions: New applications and emerging trends. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 30, 129-147.
52. Clark, D. A. (2000). Case conceptualization and treatment failure: a commentary. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly, 13, 331-337.
51. Purdon, C., & Clark, D. A. (2000). White bears and other elusive intrusions: Assessing the relevance of thought suppression for obsessional phenomena. Behavior Modification, 24, 425-453.
50. Clark, D. A., Purdon, C., & Byers, E. S. (2000). Appraisal and control of sexual and non-sexual intrusive thoughts in university students. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38, 439-455.
49. Clark, D. A. (1999). Cognitive behavioral treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders: A commentary. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 6, 408-415.
48. Purdon, C. & Clark, D. A. (1999). Meta-cognition in obsessive compulsive disorders. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 6, 102-110.
47. Steer, R. A., Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T., & Ranieri, W. F. (1998). Common and specific dimensions of self-reported anxiety and depression: the BDI-II vs. the BDI-IA. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 37, 183-190.
46. Byers, S. Purdon, C., & Clark, D.A. (1998). Sexual intrusive thoughts of college students. The Journal of Sex Research, 35, 359-369.
45. Clark, D. A. (1998). Canadian perspectives on research in depression. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 30, 207-212.
44. Clark, D. A., Crewdsen, N., & Purdon, C. (1998). No worries, no cares: an investigation into self-reported “non-distress” in college students. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 22, 209-224.
43. Clark, D. A., Cook, A., & Snow, D. (1998). Depressive symptom differences in hospitalized, medically ill, depressed psychiatric inpatients and nonmedical controls. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 107, 38-48.
42. Clark, D. A., & Claybourn, M. (1997). Process characteristics of worry and obsessive intrusive thoughts. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 35, 1139-1141.
41. Clark, D. A. (1997). Is cognitive therapy ill-founded? A commentary on Lyddon and Weill. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly, 11, 91-98.
40. Clark, D. A. (1997). Twenty years of cognitive assessment: Current status and future directions. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 996-1000.
39. Steer, R. A., & Clark, D. A. (1997). Psychometric characteristics of the Beck Depression Inventory-II with college students. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 30, 128-136.
38. Clark, D. A., Steer, R. A., Haslam, N., Beck, A. T., & Brown, G. K. (1997). Personality vulnerability, psychiatric diagnoses, and symptoms: Cluster analyses of the Sociotropy-Autonomy Scales. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 21, 267-283.
37. OCD Beliefs Working Group. (1997). Cognitive assessment of obsessive compulsive disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 35, 667-681.
36. Beck, A. T., & Clark, D. A. (1997). An information processing model of anxiety: reconsidering the role of automatic and strategic processes. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 35, 49-58.
35. Clark, D. A., Steer, R. A., Beck, A. T., & Snow, D. (1996). Is the relationship between anxious and depressive cognitions and symptoms linear or curvilinear? Cognitive Therapy and Research, 20, 135-154.
34. Clark, D. A., & Purdon, C. (1995). The assessment of unwanted intrusive thoughts: A critique of the literature. Invited essay for Behaviour Research and Therapy, 33, 967-976.
33. Clark, D. A. (1995). Perceived limitations of standard cognitive therapy: A consideration of efforts to revise Beck's theory and therapy. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 9, 153-172.
32. Steer, R. A., Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T., & Ranieri, W. F. (1995). Common and specific dimensions of self-reported anxiety and depression: A replication. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 104, 542-545.
31. Clark, D. A., & Oates, T. (1995). Daily hassles, major and minor life events, and their interaction with sociotropy and autonomy. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 33, 819-823.
30. Clark, D. A., Steer, R. A., Beck, A. T., & Ross, L. (1995). Psychometric characteristics of revised sociotropy and autonomy scales in college students. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 33, 325-334.
29. Clark, D. A., & Steer, R. A. (1994). Use of nonsomatic symptoms to differentiate clinically depressed and nondepressed hospitalized patients with chronic medical illness. Psychological Reports, 75, 1089-1090.
28. Purdon, C., & Clark, D. A. (1994). Perceived control and appraisal of obsessional intrusive thoughts: A replication and extension. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 22, 269-285.
27. Clark, D. A., Steer, R. A. & Beck, A. T. (1994). Common and specific dimensions of self-reported anxiety and depression: Implications for the cognitive and tripartite models. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 103, 645-654.
26. Somoza, E., Steer, R. A., Beck, A. T. & Clark, D. A. (1994). Differentiating major depression and panic disorders by self-report and clinical rating scales: ROC analysis and information theory. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 32, 771-782.
25. Purdon, C. & Clark, D. A. (1994). Obsessive intrusive thoughts in nonclinical subjects. Part II. Cognitive appraisal, emotional response and thought control strategies. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 32, 403-410.
24. Steer, R. A., Beck, A. T., Clark, D. A. & Beck. J. S. (1994). Psychometric properties of the Cognition Checklist with psychiatric outpatients and university students. Psychological Assessment, 6 67-70.
23. Steer, R. A., Beck, A. T. & Clark, D. A. (1994). Symptom dimensions of the SCL-90-R: A test of the tripartite model of anxiety and depression. Journal of Personality Assessment, 62, 525-536.
22. Clark, D. A. & Beck, A. T., & Beck, J. S. (1994). Symptom differences in major depression, dysthymia, panic and generalized anxiety disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 151, 205-209.
21. Clark, D. A. & Purdon, C. (1993). New perspectives for a cognitive theory of obsessions. Australian Psychologist, 28, 161-167.
20. Purdon, C. & Clark, D. A. (1993). Obsessive intrusive thoughts in nonclinical subjects. Part I. Content and relation with depressive, anxious and obsessional symptoms. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 31, 713-720.
19. Steer, R. A., Ranier, W. F., Beck, A. T. & Clark, D. A. (1993). Further evidence for the Validity of the Beck Anxiety Inventory with Psychiatric Outpatients. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 7, 195-205.
18. Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T. & Brown, G. K. (1992). Sociotropy, autonomy and life event perceptions in dysphoric and nondysphoric individuals. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 16, 635-652.
17. Beck, A. T., Sokol, L., Clark, D. A., Berchick, B., & Wright, F. (1992). A crossover study of focused cognitive therapy for panic disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 149, 778-783.
16. Clark, D. A. (1992). Depressive, anxious and intrusive thoughts in psychiatric inpatients and outpatients. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 30, 93-102.
15. Clark, D. A. & Beck, A. T. (1991). Personality factors in dysphoria: A psychometric refinement of Beck's Sociotropy-Autonomy Scale. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 13, 369-388.
14. Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T. & Stewart, B. (1990) Cognitive specificity and positive-negative affectivity: Complementary or contradictory views on anxiety and depression? Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 99, 148-155.
13. Clark, D. A. Feldman, J. & Channon, S. (1989) Dysfunctional thinking in anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 13, 377-387.
12. Clark, D. A. & Nicki, R. M. (1989) Frequency as a moderating variable in self-report measures of negative cognition. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 27, 475-477.
11. Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T. & Brown, G. (1989) Cognitive mediation in psychiatric outpatients: a test of the content-specificity hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56, 958-964.
10. Beck, A. T. & Clark, D. A. (1988) Anxiety and depression: an information processing perspective. Anxiety Research, 1, 23-36.
9. Clark, D. A. (1988) The validity of measures of cognition: A review of the literature. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 12, 1-20.
8. Clark, D. A., Hemsley, D. & Nason-Clark, N. (1987) Personality and sex differences in emotional responsiveness to positive and negative cognitive stimuli. Personality and Individual Differences, 8, 1-7.
7. Clark, D. A. (1986) Cognitive-affective interaction: A test of the "specificity" and "generality" hypotheses. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 10, 607-623.
6. Clark, D. A. (1986) Factors influencing the retrieval and control of negative cognitions. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 24, 151-159.
5. Clark, D. A., & Hemsley, D. (1985) Individual differences in the experience of depressive and anxious, intrusive thoughts. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 23, 625-633.
4. Clark, D. A. & deSilva, P. (1985) The nature of depressive and anxious, intrusive thoughts: distinct or uniform phenomena? Behaviour Research & Therapy, 23, 383-393.
3. Clark, D. A. & Bolton, D. (1985) An investigation of two self-report measures obsessional phenomena in obsessive- compulsive adolescents: a research note. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 26, 429-437.
2. Clark, D. A. & Bolton, D. (1985) Obsessive-compulsive adolescents and their parents: a psychometric study. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 26, 267-276.
1. Clark, D. A., Sugrim, I. & Bolton, D. (1982) Primary obsessional slowness: a nursing treatment programme with a thirteen year old male adolescent. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 20, 289-292.
82. Clark, D.A. (January, 2025). This is Anxiety. A podcast related to the book “This is What Anxiety Looks Like”. New Harbinger Publications podcast.
81. Clark, D.A (January, 2025). This is What Anxiety Looks Like. Webinar featuring question and answer period on the book. Anxiety and Depression Association of America.
80. Clark, D.A. (January, 2024). Is Work Making You Anxious? Strategies that Can Make a Difference. Podcast for Healthy Place to Work, John Ryan, Ireland.
79. Clark, D.A. (October 5, 2023). Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT): A primer. One hour lecture for Grupo A Educação S.A., Porto Alegre, Brazil.
78. Clark, D.A. (September 12, 2023). Working with Older Adolescents: Barriers and Misconceptions Specific to CBT. One hour lecture for webinar series sponsored by Dr. Carmem Beatriz Neufeld, Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Languages of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo.
77. Clark, D.A. (March, 2023). Getting Ready for Therapy. Blog article for Beck Institute Newsletter.
76. Clark, D.A. (February 1, 2023). First steps in helping your teen with anxiety. Blog article for New Harbinger Publications,
75. Clark, D.A. (January, 2023). Facilitating Buy-In: Responding to Client Antipathy. Blog article for New Harbinger Publications’ Quick Tips for Therapists Series.
74. Clark, D.A. (July, 2022). Apple Podcast series entitled Your Anxious Child: 5 Minute Solutions with Edward Plimpton. Title of podcast: Expert Interview #38 David A Clark on helping teens deal with anxious thoughts.
73. Clark, D.A. (June, 2022). Webinar entitled Traumatic loss: Help for loss, hopelessness, and regret. Ukrainian Association of CBT, Kyiv, Ukraine.
72. Clark, D.A. (May, 2022). Webinar entitled Facing catastrophe: The role of anxiety, worry, and rumination. AmiE Program for Ukraine, Academy of Motivation and Education, Poland.
71. Clark, D.A. (April, 2022). Post with PsychWire “Ask an Expert” entitled CBT for negative thoughts.
70. Clark, D.A. (February, 2022). Podcast for Healing Moms Journey Show by Debbie Kartz. Podcast entitled Conquer anxiety & toxicity: Proven techniques to help you reclaim your life, get unstuck, and thrive.
69. Clark, D.A. (January, 2022). YouTube interview with Nevern Subermoney, Become your own therapist series. (South Africa)
68. Clark, D.A. (November, 2021). Worry: A potent “pathogen” for workplace stress. Webinar presented to Department of Education, Province of New Brunswick, Canada.
67. Clark, D.A. (April, 2021). Podcast developed for Himalaya Media, Inc entitled A 12-step CBT approach to anxiety and worry.
66. Clark, D.A. (September, 2020). CBT for worry: Avoid the pitfalls and boost treatment effectiveness. Webinar for Psych Consulting, Melbourne, Australia.
65. Clark, D.A. (March, 2020). Interview for USA Today. See link:
64. Clark, D.A. (2020). Maintains a regular blog for Psychology Today called The Runaway Mind.
63. Clark, D.A. (2019). Taking control of distressing intrusive thoughts. Blog for Anxiety Resource Center, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
62. Clark, D. A. (2018). What to do when conventional therapy fails to address intrusive thoughts. Quick Tips for Therapists, New Harbinger Publications blog, .
61. Kazantzis, N., Beck, J. S., Clark, D. A., Dobson, K. S., Hofmann, S. G., Leahy, R. L., & Wong, C. W. (2018). Socratic dialogue and guided discovery in cognitive behavioral therapy: A modified Delphi Panel. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy. .
60. Clark, D.A. (2018). Cognitive therapy for anxiety. In: Leahy, R.L. (Ed.), Science and practice in cognitive therapy: Foundations, mechanisms, and applications (pp. 317-334). New York: Guilford Press.
59. Clark, D. A. & Hilchey, C. A. (2017). Repugnant Obsessions: Phenomenology, Etiology, and Treatment. In J. Abramowitz, D. McKay, & E. Storch (eds.) Wiley handbook of obsessive-compulsive related disorders (Vol 1) (pp. 421-440). New York: Wiley.
58. Clark, D.A. (2016). Finding “the self” in a cognitive behavioral perspective. In: M. Kyrios et al. (Eds). The self in psychological disorders (pp. 40-49). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
57. Clark, D. A., & Guyitt, B. (2016). Schema theory for depression. In: P. L. Fisher, & A. Wells (Eds.), Treating depression: Principles and practice of CBT, MCT, and third wave therapies. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
56. Clark, D. A. & Hilchey, C. (2015). Depressive personality disorder. In: Beck, A. T., Davis, D., Freeman, A. & Associates (2014). Cognitive therapy of personality disorders (3rd ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
55. Brown, G. P., & Clark, D. A. (2015). Fresh pools or stagnant streams: Current status of cognitive clinical assessment. In: G. P. Brown & D. A. Clark (Eds.), Cognitive therapy assessment, diagnosis and case formulation. New York: Guilford Press.
54. Brown, G. P., & Clark, D. A. (2015). “Better the devil you know”? A conceptual critique of endorsement methods in cognitive therapy assessment.. In: G. P. Brown & D. A. Clark (Eds.), Cognitive therapy assessment, diagnosis and case formulation. New York: Guilford Press.
53. Clark, D. A., & Brown, G. P. (2015). Cognitive clinical assessment: An impediment to progress? In: G. P. Brown & D. A. Clark (Eds.), Cognitive therapy assessment, diagnosis and case formulation. New York: Guilford Press.
52. Clark, D.A. (2014). Prefácio. In: Melo, V.W. (Ed.), Estratégias psicoterápicas e a Terceira onda em Terapia cognitive (Psychotherapeutic Strategies and third wave cognitive therapy).Sinopsys editor, Brazil.
51. Clark, D. A., & del Palacio Gonzaléz, A. (2014). Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD): Clinical features, theory and research advances. In: T. Ehring & P. M. G. Emmelkamp (Eds.), International handbook of anxiety disorders: Theory, research and practice. Chichester, UK: Wiley.
50. Clark, D. A. (2014). Cognitive restructuring: A major contribution of cognitive therapy. In: S. G. Hofmann, & D. J. A. Dozois (Eds.), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Complete Reference Guide, Vol. 1. CBT General Techniques. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
49. Clark, D. A. (2014). Profile box 8.1 In: J. Hunsley, & C. A. Lee, Clinical psychology: An evidence-based approach (3rd ed.), Etobicoke, Ont: John Wiley & Sons Canada. (p. 305306)
48. Clark, D. A. (2013). Introducing DSM-5: Progress or regress in psychiatric diagnosis. Toronto: Pearson. [published supplementary chapter for abnormal textbooks.]
47. Clark, D. A. (2013). Cognitive therapy evidence-based case example: dysthymia. Extended Vignette Examples section of CPA Task Force on Evidence-based Treatment. (View PDF)
46. Clark, D.A., & Simos, G. (2013). Obsessive compulsive spectrum disorders: Diagnosis, theory and treatment. Chapter submitted to: Simos, G. & Hofmann, S. (Eds). Cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety disorders (pp. 25-55). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
45. Clark, D. A. (2013). When meaning is “nonsense”: Cognitive therapy for religious obsessions in the nonreligious. Advances in Cognitive Therapy Newsletter, 13(1), 6 & 10.
44. Clark, D. A. (2011). Enhancing homework through self-help. Cognitive behavior therapy today. Fall issue. (View Link)
43. Rodríguez Biglieri, R., Clark, D. A. & Del Palacio González, A. (2011). Desafíos y futuras líneas de investigación en terapia cognitiva aplicada a trastornos de ansiedad [Challenges and future research lines in Cognitive Therapy applied to anxiety disorders]. In Ricardo Rodríguez Biglieri & Giselle Vetere (Comps.) Manual de terapia cognitiva conductual de los trastornos de ansiedad [Handbook of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy of Anxiety Disroders] (pp. 437-460). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Polemos.
42. Clark, D. A. & Beck, A. T. (2011). El Modelo Cognitivo de Ansiedad: Reformulación e Implicaciones para el Tratamiento [The Cognitive Model of Anxiety: A Reformulation and It’s Implications for Treatment]. In Rodríguez-Biglieri, R. & Vetere, G. (Comps.). Manual de terapia cognitiva conductual de los trastornos de ansiedad [Handbook of cognitive behavioural therapy of anxiety disorders]. (pp. 65-106). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Polemos.
41. Clark, D. A. & Radomsky, A. (May, 2011). Website development for Research Consortium on Intrusive Fear. [sponsored by SSHRC International Opportunities Fund grant]
40. Clark, D. A. (October, 2010). Evidence-based practice: It’s harder than you think. PESI E-Newsletter. (View Link)
39. Clark, D. A. (2009). Cognitive therapy: Art or science? Cognitive Therapy Today, 14, 4-6. (on-line newsletter)
38. Clark, D. A., Hollifield, M., Leahy, R. & Beck, J.S. (2009). Theory of cognitive therapy. In: Gabbard, G. O.(Ed.), Textbook of psychotherapeutic treatments (pp. 165-200). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing.
37. Clark, D. A., & Guyitt, B. (2008). Pure obsessions: Conceptual misnomer or clinical anomaly? In Abramowitz, J.S., McKay, D., & Taylor, S. (Eds.), Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Subtypes and spectrum conditions (pp. 53-75). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
36. Clark, D. A. (2007). Obsessions and compulsions. In: N. Kazantzis & L. L’Abate (Eds.), Handbook of homework assignments in psychotherapy: Research, practice and prevention (pp. 315-334). New York: Springer.
35. Clark, D. A. (2007). Review of R.L. Leahy’s book “The worry cure: Seven steps to stop worry from stopping you”. The Clinical Psychologist, 60, 17.
34. Clark, D. A. (2007). Review of S. Rachman’s book "Fear of contamination: Assessment and treatment". Canadian Psychologist, 48, 43-45
33. Clark, D. A. (2006). Obsessive-compulsive disorder: The role of homework assignments. In: Kazantzis, N., & L’Abate, L. (Eds.), Handbook of homework assignments in psychotherapy: Research, practice and prevention. New York: Springer.
32. Clark, D. A. (2006). Foreward. In: Frisch, M.B. Quality of life therapy: Applying a life satisfaction approach to positive psychology and cognitive therapy. (p. ix-x) New York: Wiley.
31. Clark, D. A. (June, 2005). Obsessive compulsive disorder: Consumer factsheet. Pamphlet published by the Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada.
30. Clark, D. A. & O’Connor, K. (2005). Thinking is believing: Ego-dystonic intrusive thoughts in obsessive-compulsive disorder. In: D.A. Clark (Ed.), Unwanted intrusive thoughts in clinical disorders. New York: Guilford Publications.
29. Clark, D. A. & Rhyno, S. (2005). Unwanted intrusive thoughts in nonclinical populations. In: D. A. Clark (Ed.), Unwanted intrusive thoughts in clinical disorders. New York: Guilford Publications.
28. Clark, D. A. (2004). Obsessive compulsive disorder: What is OCD? Academy of Cognitive Therapy website. (View Link)
27. Clark, D. A. (2004). Cognitive theory and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder: Past contributions and current developments. In: R. L. Leahy (Ed.), Contemporary cognitive therapy: Theory, research and Practice. New York: Guilford Publications.
26. Clark, D. A. ( 2004). Shift from public to private practice. Contact, published by the College of Psychologists of New Brunswick, Spring issue, 2004.
25. Clark, D. A. (2004). Design considerations in prevention research. In D.J.A. Dozois & K.S. Dobson (Eds.), The prevention of anxiety and depression: Theory, research and practice. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.
24. Reinecke, M. A. & Clark, D. A. (2004). Cognitive therapy across the lifespan: Conceptual horizons. In: M. Reinecke & D. A. Clark (Eds.), Cognitive therapy across the lifespan: Theory, research and practice (pp. 1-11). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
23. Clark, D. A. & Reinecke, M. (2004). Cognitive therapy in the 21st century: Current status and future directions. In: M. Reinecke & D. A. Clark (Eds.), Cognitive therapy across the lifespan: Theory, research and practice (pp. 507-528). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
22. Clark, D. A. & Purdon, C. (2004). Cognitive theory and therapy of obsessions and compulsions: A critical re-examination. In: M. Reinecke & D. A. Clark (Eds.), Cognitive therapy across the lifespan: Theory, research and practice (pp. 90-116). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
21. Scott, L., Clark, D. A., & Gupta-Rogers, R. (2003). Understanding the personal effects of breast cancer. Interdisciplinary perspectives on health: Views from the social sciences and humanities. Proceedings of the First Annual Social Sciences in Health Colloquium, University of New Brunswick, Canada.
20. Clark, D. A. (2003). Cognitive assessment of obsessions and compulsions. Cognitive Therapy Today, 8, 3.
19. Clark, D. A. (2003). Psychology works for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Canadian Psychological Association website. (View Link)
18. Clark, D. A. (2002). Assessing cognition in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Advances in Cognitive Therapy, vol 4, issue 3. Newsletter of the International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy.
17. Clark, D. A. (2002). Commentary on cognitive domains section. In R.O. Frost & G. Steketee (Eds.), Cognitive approaches to obsessions and compulsions: Theory, assessment and treatment (pp.107-113). Oxford: Elsevier Press.
16. Purdon, D. A. & Clark, D. A. (2002). Mental control beliefs and appraisals in OCD. In R. O. Frost & G. Steketee (Eds.), Cognitive approaches to obsessions and compulsions: Theory, assessment and treatment (pp. 29-43). Oxford: Elsevier Press.
15. Clark, D. A. (2002). A cognitive perspective on OCD and depression: Distinct and related features. In R. O. Frost & G. Steketee (Eds.), Cognitive approaches to obsessions and compulsions: Theory, assessment and treatment (pp. 233-250). Oxford: Elsevier Press.
14. Clark, D. A. (2001). Behavioral treatment of obsessions and compulsions: New insights into an established intervention. Review of M. J. Kozak & E. B. Foa's book "Mastery of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach” (therapist guide & client workbook). Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly, 15, 273-276.
13. Clark, D. A. (1997). Canadian contributions to research on depression. CPA Clinical Section Newsletter.
12. Clark, D. A., & Beck, A. T. (1997). El estado de la cuestion en la teoria y la terapia cognitiva. In I. Caro (Ed.).Manual de psicoterapias cognitivas (pp. 119-129). Barcelona: Paidos Publishers.
11. Clark, D. A., & Steer, R. A. (1996). Empirical status of the cognitive model of anxiety and depression. P. Salkovskis (Ed.), Frontiers of cognitive therapy. New York: Guilford Press.
10. Clark, D. A. (1994). Comorbidity of anxiety and depression: Issues, treatment. Clinical Advances in the treatment of Psychiatric Disorders, 8, 1-3, 11-12.
9. Clark, D. A. (1994). Rethinking cognitive approaches to depression. Special book review of J. D. Teasdale & P. J. Barnard "Affect, cognition and change: Re-modeling depressive thought". Behaviour Research and Therapy, 32, 891-894.
8. Clark, D. A., & McDonnell, P. (1994). Who is an expert in child abuse cases? Solicitor's Journal, 10, 4-8.
7. Clark, D. A. (1993). Psychology and health care reform: A case of dwindling influence? Contact, 9, 9-8.
6. Clark, D. A. (1992). Cognitive therapy in relationship. Review of J. Safran & Z. Segal's book "Interpersonal processes in cognitive therapy". Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 6, 149-151.
5. Clark, D. A. (1989) Special review of C.R. Brewin's book "Cognitive foundations of clinical Psychology". Behaviour Research and Therapy, 27, 691-693.
4. Clark, D. A. & Beck A. T. (1989) Cognitive and cognitive-behavioral treatments of anxiety and depression. In P. Kendall & D. Watson (eds.) Anxiety and Depression: Distinctions and Overlapping Features. Orlando: Academic Press (pp. 379-411).
3. Clark, D. A. & Beck, A. T. (1987) Bridging the gap: An application of experimental cognitive psychology to psychopathology. A special book review of Information Processing to Clinical Psychology. R.E. Ingram (Ed.). Review in Contemporary Psychology (pp. 1-11).
2. Clark, D. A. (1986) Does our thinking affect our feelings? Scientific Bulletin of the Saint John Regional Hospital, 6, 11-14.
1. Clark, D. A. (1985). Book review of P. Kendall (ed.) "Advances in cognitive-behavioral research and therapy", vol. 1 & 2. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 23, 230-231.
168. Hilchey, C., & Clark, D. A. (November, 2013). High anxiety sensitivity: The role of expectedness in catastrophic misinterpretations of physical sensations. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapy, Nashville,TN
167. McHale, N., & Clark, D. A. (November, 2013). Emotion regulation in depression: A self-report comparison of thought suppression, rumination and cognitive appraisal. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapy, Nashville,TN.
166. Radomsky, A. S., *Alcolado, G. M., Abramowitz, J., Alonso, P., Belloch, A., Bouvard, M., Clark, D. A., Coles, M., Doron, G., Fernandez-Alvarez, H., Garcia-Soriano, G., Ghisi, M., Gomez, B., Inozu, M., Moulding, R., Shams, G., Sica, C., Simos, G., & Wong, W. (September, 2013). You can run but you can’t hide: Intrusive thoughts on 6 continents. Paper to be presented at the European Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies Conference, Marrakesh, Morocco.
165. Moulding, R., Coles, M. E., Alcolado, G.M., Belloch, A., Clark, D. A., Gomez, B., Inozu, M., Bouvard, M., Radomsky, A. S., Sico, C., Ghisi, M., Abramowitz, J., Alonso, P., Wong, C. W., Simos, G., Doron, G., Fernández-Alvarez, H., Garcia-Soriano, G., & Shams, G. (July, 2013). Investigatiing cultural differences in the beliefs, appraisals and control of intrusive thoughts across 13 countries. Paper presented at the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Lima, Peru.
164. Clark, D. A., Abramowitz, J., Alcolado, G. M., Alonso, P., Belloch, A., Wong, C.W., Simos, G., Doron, G., Coles, M.E., Fernández-Alvarez, H., Inozu, M., Garcia-Soriano, G., Gomez, B., Moulding, R., Shams, G., & Radomsky, A. S. (July, 2013). Unwanted distressing intrusive thoughts and their relation to obsessionality in a multinational sample. Paper presented at the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Lima, Peru.
163. Inozu, M., Clark, D. A. & Garcia-Soriano, G (September, 2012). Unwanted mental intrusions: A cultural comparison of Turkish and Canadian students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the European Association of Behaviour and Cognitive Therapies, Geneva, SW.
162. Radomsky, A. S., Alcolado, G. M., Clark, D. A., Belloch, A., & the RCIF (September, 2012). Intrusions around the world: Cross-cultural data from the International Intrusive Thoughts Interview Schedule (IITIS). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the European Association of Behaviour and Cognitive Therapies, Geneva, SW.
161. Hilchey, C., & Clark, D. A. (June, 2012). Anxiety sensitivity and the emotional processing of fear: Does expectedness matter? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax.
160. McHale, N., & Clark, D. A. (June, 2012). The Moderating Role of Positive and Negative Emotionality on Daily Mood Repair: A Diary Study. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax.
159. Mastikhina, L., & Clark, D. A. (June, 2012). What’s so disgusting about disgust? The role of selective memory in disgust emotion. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax.
158. Clark, D. A., Inozu, M., & Karanci, N. (November, 2011). Unwanted intrusive thoughts in scrupulous and nonscrupulous Muslims and Christians: The role of faulty appraisal and control. Paper presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy Conference, Toronto.
157. Hilchey, C. A., Clark, D. A., & del Palacio-González, A. (November, 2011). Anxiety sensitivity and unwanted intrusive thoughts. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation, Moncton, N.B.
156. Talbot, F., Clark, D. A., Yuzda, E., Charron, A., & McDonald, T. (November, 2011). Referral practices for anxiety and depression: A survey of New Brunswick family physicians. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation, Moncton, N.B.
155. McHale. N. & Clark, D. A. (November, 2011). Does Optimism Moderate Successful Mood Repair? A Daily Diary Study. Poster presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy Conference, Toronto, ON.
154. Del Palacio-Gonzalez A., & Clark, D. A. (Novermber, 2011). Cognitive and Affect Reactivity to Induced Emotion: An Experimental Investigation of the Cognitive-Content Specificity Hypothesis. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapy, Toronto.
135. Del Palacio-Gonzalez A., & Clark, D. A. (October, 2011). Miedo y Tristeza: Correlatos cognitivos implicados en la reactividad al miedo y la tristeza y su regulación. [Fear and Sadness: Cognitive correlates of the reactivity and regulation of fear and sadness]. Paper presented at the XIX Mexican Congress of Psychology. Cancun.
134. McHale, N., Clark, D. A. & Del Palacio, A. (June, 2011). Individual differences in emotion regulation: The relationship between optimism, pessimism and success with mood repair. Poster session presented at the 72nd annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.
133. Talbot, F., Clark, D. A., & Liuzzo, A.V. (June, 2011). Quality of care for anxiety and depression: Predicting rates of adherence to minimal adequacy guidelines. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto.
132. Clark, D. A., Fuller, R., & Robinson, G. (June, 2010). Cognitive reactivity in young adults vulnerable or resilient to major depression. Paper presented at the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Boston
131. Altin, M., Karanci, N., & Clark, D. A. (June, 2010). Losing control in the religiously devout: Differences in anxious, depressive and obsessional symptoms in Turkish Muslim and Canadian Christian samples. Paper presented at the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Boston.
130. Garcia-Soriano, G., Castaneiras, C., Clark, D. A., & Belloch, A. (June, 2010). Self-worth domains: exploring their dimensionality and cross-cultural differences. Poster presented at the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Boston.
129. del Palacio, A., Clark, D. A., Altin, M. & McHale, N. (June, 2009). How does religiosity affect the relation of obsessionality and negative emotion with mental control? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal.
128. Campbell, A., & Clark, D. A. (June, 2009). Cognitive determinants of checking behaviour: The role of responsibility, threat and meta-cognitive beliefs. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal.
127. Altin, M., Karanci, A. N., & Clark, D. A. (September, 2008). How does religious affiliation and religiosity relate to scrupulosity symptoms: A comparison of Christian and Muslim students. Poster presented at the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Helsinki, Finland.
126. Altin, M., Karanci, A. N., & Clark, D. A. (September, 2008). The role of religious fundamentalism, guilt, and obsessive beliefs in aggravating the scrupulosity symptoms in Muslim students. Poster presented at the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Helsinki, Finland.
124. Garcia-Soriano, G., Belloch, A., Morillo, C. & Clark, D. A. (September, 2008). The role of disorder-relevant self-worth contingencies on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Poster presented at the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Helsinki, Finland.
124. Garcia-Soriano, G., Castaneiras, C., Belloch, A., Clark, D. A., & Morillo, C. (September, 2008). Obsessive-compulsive domains along different cultures: An empirical research between Spanish, Argentinean and Canadian people. Poster presented at the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Helsinki, Finland.
123. Clark, D. A. (June, 2008). Have cognitive interventions outlived their usefulness in the treatment of depression? Invited address for International Conference entitled “What Makes Therapy Work?”. Lund, Sweden.
122. Clark, D. A. (June, 2008). Does a transdiagnostic approach bolster or hinder treatment of anxiety disorders? Invited address for International Conference entitled “What Makes Therapy Work?”. Lund, Sweden.
121. Maguire, J. L.., & Clark, D. A. June, 2008).Religious commitment, emotional well-being and the role of obsessionality in young adults. Poster tpresented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax.
120. del Palacio, A., Clark, D. A., & Garcia-Soriano, G. (June, 2008). Selfhood vulnerability in OCD: Development of the Obsessional Concerns and Self Questionnaire. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax.
119. Clark, D. A., Wang, A., & Guyitt, B. (November, 2007). Mental control of unwanted recurrent thought intrusions: Experimental investigations into the key parameters of uncontrollability. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia.
118. Garcia-Soriano, G., Clark, D. A., Belloch, A., & Morillo, C. (July, 2007). Self-worth in obsessive compulsive domains: An exploratory study of self-worth and OCD symptoms in a non-clinical Spanish sample. Poster presented at the World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Barcelona, Spain.
117. Clark, D. A. (July, 2007). Intrusions, obsessions, and other mental treacheries: Navigating the stream of consciousness with Professor Jack Rachman. Paper presented at the World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Barcelona, Spain.
116. Clark, D. A. (July, 2007). The cognitive model of Aaron T. Beck: Its impact and future direction. Paper presented at the World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Barcelona, Spain.
115. Belloch, A., Clark, D. A., Garcia-Soriano, G., Morillo, C., & Castaneiras, C. (July, 2007). Cross-cultural differences in obsessional intrusive thoughts, obsessionality, and obsessive-compulsive self-worth contingencies. Paper presented at the World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Barcelona, Spain.
114. Kyrios, M., Nedeljkovic, M., Clark, D. A., McCartghy, C., Ahern, C., O’Connor, N., & Radomsky, A. (July, 2007). Appraisal of obsessive-like thoughts using a structured interview: Cross-cultural considerations. Paper presented at the World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Barcelona, Spain.
113. Altin, M., & Clark, D. A. (July, 2007). The impact of religiosity on obsessive-compulsive cognitions and symptoms in Christian and Muslim students. Paper presented at the World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Barcelona, Spain.
112. Campbell, A.G., & Clark, D. A. (June, 2007). The effects of memory accuracy, confidence, source, and quality. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa.
111. Guyitt, B., Clark, D. A., & Purdon, C. (June, 2007). An experimental investigation of thought dismissal criteria and valence on the controllability and appraisal of unwanted thoughts. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa.
110. Wang, A., & Clark, D. A. (June, 2007). Failure to control worry and unwanted intrusive thoughts in an experimental context. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa.
109. Campbell, A.G., & Clark, D. A. (November, 2006). The effects of repeated checking on memory accuracy, confidence, quality and source. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapy, Chicago.
108. Guyitt, B.D., Clark, D. A., & Purdon, C. (November, 2006). Validation of dismissal latency as an indicator of conscious mental control. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapy, Chicago.
107. Altin, M., Gracia-Soriano, G., Clark, D. A., & Karanci, N. (September, 2006). Role of self-esteem, guilt, and religious beliefs in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Poster presented at Congress of the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Paris.
106. Clark, D. A., Kyrios, M., & Abramowitz, J. (September, 2006). Subtypes of normal and abnormal obsessions: A direct comparison of OCD and nonclinical individuals. Paper presented at the Congress of the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Paris.
105. Wang, A., & Clark, D. A. (November, 2005). How sensitive is BDI-II to depression in university women? Poster to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC.
104. Guyitt, B.D., Clark, D. A., & Purdon, C. (November, 2005). Manipulating mental control: The effect of dismissal standards on intrusive thoughts. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC.
103. Hou, J., Robinson, G., & Clark, D. A. (November, 2005). Gender differences in ERP and subjective emotion to valenced stimuli under sad vs, neutral mood induction. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC.
102. Clark, D. A., & Robinson, G. (October, 2005). Depression vulnerability and prevention in young adults: A pilot investigation of cognitive and neural determinants. Paper presented at the Atlantic Networks for Prevention Research Forum, White Point Beach Resort, Nova Scotia.
101. Clark, D. A., Radomsky, A., & Sica, C. (September, 2005). Normal obsessions: A matter of interpretation? Paper presented at the Congress of the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Thessaloniki, Greece.
100. Rhyno, S., Clark, D. A., & Purdon, C. (November, 2004). Gender analysis of depressive symptoms and thoughts: The role of mental control. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans.
99. Guyitt, B.D., & Clark, D. A. (November, 2004). Prospective study of cognitive diathesis-stress following an academic stressor. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans.
98. Wang, A., & Clark, D. A. (November, 2004). Perceived interpersonal reception and mental control in vulnerability to depression. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans.
97. Clark, D. A., & Robinson, G. (September, 2004). Cognitive vulnerability to depression: Disentangling a Gordian knot. Paper presented at the 34th Congress of the European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, Manchester, UK.
96. Clark, D. A., Sica, C., Sanavio, E., & Ghisi, M. (September, 2004). Appraisals of unwanted intrusive thoughts: A comparison of Canadian and Italian students. Paper presented at the 34th Congress of the European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies, Manchester, UK.
95. Wang, A. & Clark, D. A. (June, 2004). Mental control of unwanted thoughts in vulnerability to depression. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, St. John’s NL.
94. Clark, D. A. (June, 2004). Cognitive behavioral treatment of unwanted intrusive thoughts in anxiety and depression. Invited address for the Clinical Section of the Canadian Psychological Association, St. John’s, NL.
93. Crewdson, N., & Clark, D. A. (November, 2003). Detecting clinical depression in bereaved individuals: A cognitive perspective. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston.
92. Wang, A., Clark, D. A., & Purdon, C. (November, 2003). Frequency and effort of mental control over unwanted distressing cognitions. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston.
91. Rhyno, S., & Clark, D. A. (November, 2003). The control of unwanted thoughts in dysphoria, obsessionality, and anxiety: Further investigation of the cognitive content-specificity hypothesis. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston.
90. Scott, L., Clark, D. A., & Gupta-Rogers, R. (June, 2003). Understanding the personal effects of breast cancer. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Hamilton, Ontario.
89. Rhyno, S., Clark, D. A., & Purdon, C. (June, 2003). Control of Unwanted Thoughts Scale: A preliminary investigation in a student sample. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Hamilton, Ontario.
88. Anthony, J. & Clark, D. A. (June, 2003). Experimental investigation of mental control: The effects of thought formation and dismissal. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Hamilton, Ontario.
87. Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T., & Brown, G. (November, 2002). The relation of cognitive vulnerability and negative life events to comorbidity in major depression, dysthymia, and anxiety disorders. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Reno, Nevada.
86. Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T., Antony, M. M., & Swinson, R. P. (November, 2002). Screening for obsessions and compulsions: Development and validation of the Clark-Beck Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Reno, Nevada.
85. Wang, A., Clark, D. A., Markowitz, L., & Purdon, C. (November, 2002). A cognitive profile of mental control failure in non-clinical individuals. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Reno, Nevada.
84. Wang, A., Clark, D. A. & Purdon, C. (November, 2002). Control of worry: A matter of perception? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Reno, Nevada.
83. Scott, L., Clark, D. A., & Gupta-Rogers, R. (October, 2002). Understanding the personal effects of breast cancer. Paper presented at the First Annual Social Sciences in Health Colloquium, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada.
82. Clark, D. A. (December, 2001). Obsesiones y otras rumiaciones ansiosas: Nuevas perspectives para una intervención cognitive. Invited keynote address to the III Congreso de la Asociación Española de psicología clínica y psicopatología, Valencia, Spain.
81. Clark, D. A. (November, 2001). Back to the future: A cognitive perspective on obsessions and compulsions. Invited paper presented at Festschrift for Dr. Aaron T. Beck at a pre-conference of the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Philadelphia, PA.
80. Clark, D. A. (November, 2001). A reconsideration of cognitive vulnerability in depression. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Philadelphia, PA.
79. Wang, A. & Clark, D. A. (November, 2001). The suppression of worry and its cues in a nonclinical sample: Rebound and other negative effects. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Philadelphia, PA.
78. Oates-Johnson, T. & Clark, D. A. (November, 2001). Predictors of depressive mood state in university women concerned with dieting: A diathesis-stress perspective combining moderation and mediation. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Philadelphia, PA.
77. Clark, D. A. (July, 2001). Cognitive theory and therapy of depression: A case of two traditions. Paper presented at the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Vancouver.
76. Purdon, C. & Clark, D. A. (July, 2001). Beliefs about the control of unwanted thoughts in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Paper presented at the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Vancouver.
75. Scott, L. & Clark, D. A. (July, 2001). Sociotropy, autonomy and the quality of dating relationships. Poster presented at the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Vancouver.
74. Wang, A., Clark, D. A. & Purdon, C. (July, 2001). The role of meta-cognitive beliefs in obsessional symptoms. Poster presented at the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Vancouver.
73. Snow, D. D., & Clark, D. A. (August, 2000). Predictors of help-seeking delay in male cardiac patients: Personality traits and symptom expectancies. Poster submitted to the 14th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Leiden, The Netherlands.
72. Clark, D. A. (June, 2000). How effective is cognitive therapy for depression in adults? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa.
71. Oates-Johnson, T., & Clark, D. A. (June, 2000). Depression and the loss of social acceptance: Development of the Interpersonal Reception Scale. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa.
70. Clark, D. A. (June, 2000). A critical review of cognitive research on depression. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa.
69. Clark, D. A., & Wang, A. (November, 1999). Ego-dystonic and ego-syntonic intrusions from the Interpretations of Intrusions Inventory. Paper presented at a meeting of the Obsessive Compulsive Cognitions Working Group, Brace Bridge, Ontario.
68. Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T. & Brown, G. (November, 1999). Cognitive diathesis-stress and the prediction of symptom reduction in major depressive disorder. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Toronto.
67. Snow, D. D. & Clark, D. A. (May, 1999). Differences in symptom beliefs and experiences in cardiac patients with chest pain. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax.
66. Scott, L. & Clark, D. A. (May, 1999). An exploratory study of mood repair in college students. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax.
65. Crewdsen, N., & Clark, D. A. (June, 1998). Development of the Brunswick Adjustment Scale: Assessing the full range of emotional adjustment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Edmonton.
64. Claybourn, M., Clark, D. A. & Lowther, N. J. (June, 1998). Personal significance in the appraisal of obsession-like thoughts. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Edmonton.
63. Oates-Johnson, T. & Clark, D. A. (June, 1998). Need for approval among weight-preoccupied women in dating relationships. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Edmonton.
62. Clark, D. A., & Oates-Johnson, T. (June, 1998). Sociotropy, autonomy and quality of romantic relationships: Predictors of dysphoria in students. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Edmonton.
61. Clark, D. A., Claybourn, M., & Lowther, N. J. (September, 1997). Obsessional beliefs, worry and dysphoria in university students. Invited paper presented at the Research Meeting of the Obsessive Compulsive Cognitions Working Group, Padua, Italy.
60. Snow, D. D., & Clark, D. A. (June, 1997). Differences between personal global causal beliefs in patients with coronary artery disease. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto.
59. Clark, D. A. (March, 1997). Hypervalent cognitions and beliefs in OCD: A case of forgotten identity? Paper presented at the 17th National Conferences on Anxiety Disorders, New Orleans, LA.
58. Clark, D. A., Steer, R.A., Haslam, N., Beck, A. T., & Brown, G. (November, 1996). The relationship of sociotropy and autonomy to diagnosis, symptom presentation and life events in psychiatric outpatients. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, New York.
57. Crewdsen, N., & Clark, D. A. (November, 1996). Positive health or absence of pathology? Measuring emotional well-being in nonpsychiatric populations. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, New York.
56. Clark, D. A., Purdon, C., & Claybourn, M. (November, 1996). Worry and the control of anxious thoughts. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, New York.
55. Frost, R.O., & Clark, D. A. (November, 1996). Report on the International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Cognitions Working Group Conference. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, New York.
54. Clark, D. A. (August, 1996). Cognitive vulnerability to depression: a test of two theories. Paper presented at the International Congress of Psychology, Montreal.
53. Claybourn, M.G., & Clark, D. A. (August, 1996). Worry about worry in obsessive and anxious thoughts. Paper presented at the International Congress of Psychology, Montreal.
52. Purdon, C. & Clark, D. A. (August, 1996). White bears: the problem with thought suppression research. Poster presented at the International Congress of Psychology, Montreal.
51. Clark, D. A., & Purdon, C. (June, 1996). Pathological mental control in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Paper presented at the International OCD Beliefs Working Group Conference, Northampton, MA.
50. Clark, D. A. (August, 1995). Selfhood processes in sociotropy and autonomy: Understanding individual differences in appraisals of stressful experiences. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, New York, New York.
49. Clark, D. A. (July, 1995). The role of sociotropy and autonomy in clinical and nonclinical affective states. Paper presented at the World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy, Copenhagen, Denmark.
48. Clark, D. A., & Purdon, C. (July, 1995). Meta-cognitive beliefs in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Paper presented at the World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy, Copenhagen, Denmark.
47. Purdon, C. & Clark, D. A. (July, 1995). Obsessional intrusive thoughts, worry, and thought suppression: The effects of differences in metacognitive beliefs. Paper to at the World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy, Copenhagen, Denmark.
46. Clark, D. A., & Cortes, T. (June, 1995). Personality vulnerability to distress: An idiographic assessment of personal strivings associated with sociotropy and autonomy. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Charlottetown, PEI.
45. Crewdsen, N. & Clark, D. A. (June, 1995).No worries, no cares: An investigation into self-reported ‘nondistress’ in college students. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Charlottetown, PEI.
44. Purdon, C., Clark, D. A., Grenier, G., & Byers, E.S. (June, 1995). Thinking dirty: Factors influencing the experience of sexual vs nonsexual intrusive thoughts. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Charlottetown, PEI.
43. Clark, D. A. (November, 1994). Cognitive science, personality, and clinical practice: Complementary or contradictory approaches to understanding human distress? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Diego, California.
42. Clark, D. A., Steer, R.A., & Beck, A. T. (November, 1994). General affective dimensions and specific cognitive processes: Reconciling the differences in clinical theory, assessment and practice. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Diego, California.
41. Clark, D. A. (November, 1994). Participant in clinical round table on Clinical and theoretical issues in cognitive therapy training and supervision. Clinical round table accepted for the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Diego, California.
40. Snow, D., & Clark, D. A. (April, 1994). Differential diagnosis and assessment of depression in chronic medically ill patients and psychiatric inpatients. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Boston.
39. Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T., Brown, G. K. & Steer, R. A. (November, 1993). Vulnerability and clinical presentation: New evidence for the contribution of sociality and individuality to the development of depressive symptoms. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Atlanta.
38. Brown, G., Beck, A. T., Clark, D. A. & Steer, R. A. (November, 1993). Depression and personality disorders: Latest findings on the validity of sociotropic and autonomous personality dimensions. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Atlanta.
37. Clark, D. A. & Purdon, C. (November, 1993). Cognitive appraisal and control strategies: The persistence of obsessional intrusive thoughts in clinical and nonclinical individuals. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Atlanta.
36. Brown, G., Beck, A. T., Clark, D. A., Steer, R. A., Beck, J. S., & Freeman, A. (November, 1993). Depression, personality disorders and the Sociotropy-Autonomy Scale. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Atlanta.
35. Clark, D. A. (September, 1993). Empirical support for Beck's cognitive model of depression: The evidence for specificity and causality. Paper presented at symposium honoring Aaron T. Beck, European Congress of Behavior and Cognitive Therapies, London, England.
34. Snow, D., & Clark, D. A. (September, 1993). Negative life events as predictors of depressive symptoms in hospitalized chronic medically ill patients. Poster presented at the European Congress of Behavior and Cognitive Therapies, London, England.
33. Purdon, C., & Clark, D. A. (September, 1993). The illusion of control: Relationships between obsessional intrusive thoughts, worry, and thought suppression. Poster presented at the European Congress of Behavior and Cognitive Therapies, London, England.
32. Oates, T. & Clark, D. A. (May, 1993). Sociotropy, autonomy, and their interaction with major and minor life events. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal.
31. Ross, L. R. & Clark, D. A. (May, 1993). A psychometric revision of Beck's Sociotropy-Autonomy Scale. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal.
30. Snow, D. & Clark, D. A. (May, 1993). Stressful events and emotional distress in persons with chronic illness. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal.
29. Snow, D. & Clark, D. A. (May, 1993). Depressive symptoms in hospitalized chronic medically ill patients. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Medical Research Network of New Brunswick, Moncton.
28. Clark, D. A. (November, 1992). Towards a redefinition of cognitive therapy: misconceptions and perceived limitations of "traditional" cognitive therapy. Paper presented at symposium on "Is Cognitive Therapy Really Cognitive?", Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston.
27. Purdon, C. & Clark, D. A. (June, 1992). Obsessive intrusive thoughts in normals: Are they distinct cognitive phenomena? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Quebec City.
26. MacLean, P., & Clark, D. A. (June, 1992). The sociotropic personality and self-concept discrepancies in the prediction of depression. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Quebec City.
25. Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T. & Brown, G. K. (June, 1992). The role of sociotropy, autonomy and life event appraisals in cognitive diathesis-stress models of depression. Paper presented at symposium on Cognitive Diathesis-Stress Models of Depression: Current Status and Developments, World Congress of Cognitive Therapy, Toronto.
24. Clark, D. A. & Purdon, C. (June, 1992). Obsessive intrusive thoughts in clinical and nonclinical subjects. Paper presented at symposium on Clinical and Nonclinical Intrusive Thoughts, World Congress of Cognitive Therapy, Toronto.
23. Clark, D. A., Cook, A. & Snow, D. (May, 1992). Depression in chronic medically ill patients: A progress report. Paper presented at the 4th Annual New Brunswick Medical and Health Sciences Research Network, Fredericton, N. B.
22. Clark, D. A., & Purdon, C. L. (November, 1991). Les intrusions obsessives dan un echantillon clinque. Paper to be presented at the 14th Annual Conference of the SQRP, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec.
21. Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T. & Brown, G. K. (November, 1991) Cognitive diathesis-stress in major depressive outpatients. Poster presented at the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York.
20. Clark, D. A. & Beck, A. T. (November, 1990) A cognitive perspective on the differential diagnosis of anxiety and depression. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Francisco.
19. McKell, C. J. & Clark, D. A. (November, 1990) Predisposing personality factors and coping modes as indicators of recovery from major elective surgery. Poster presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Francisco.
18. Wadden, P. & Clark, D. A. (November, 1990) The effectiveness of audiotaped habituation training and focused cognitive restructuring in the treatment of obsessional disorders. Poster presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Francisco.
17. McKell, C. & Clark, D. A. (August, 1990) Prognosis in major elective surgery: prospective study of psychological and medical factors. Paper presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Vascular Society, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
16. Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T., Stewart, B., & Brown, G. (June, 1990) Life event perceptions of sociotropic and autonomous individuals: A test of the cognitive diathesis-stress model of negative emotion. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa, Canada.
15. McKim-Dawes, K. & Clark, D. A. (June, 1990) Autobiographical memory recall of sociotropic and autonomous individuals following a major separation experience. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa, Canada.
14. McKell, C. J. & Clark, D. A. (June, 1990) Predisposing personality factors as indicators of recovery from major elective surgery. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa, Canada.
13. Lawrence, K., Clark, D. A. & Sexsmith, J. (June, 1990) Effects of exercise on women's self-esteem and moods: the role of self-efficacy. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa, Canada.
12. Stewart, B., Beck, A. T. & Clark, D. A. (November, 1989) Sociotropy and autonomy: Can depression vulnerability be predicted from personality factors only? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington DC.
11. Clark, D. A. (June, 1989) A schema-control model of negative thoughts. Paper presented at symposium on intrusive thoughts, World Congress of Cognitive Therapy, Oxford, England.
10. Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T. & Stewart, B. (June, 1989) Sociotropy and autonomy: Cognitive vulnerability markers or symptom variables? Paper presented at symposium on sociotropy-autonomy, World Congress of Cognitive Therapy, Oxford, England.
9. Sokol, L., Beck, A. T., Berchick, R., Wright, F. D. & Clark, D. A. (June, 1989) Cognitive treatment of panic disorder: A test of outcome, process and theory. Paper presented at the World Congress of Cognitive Therapy, Oxford, England.
8. Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T. & Stewart, B. (1988, November) An empirical investigation of the content-specificity hypothesis in psychiatric outpatients. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York City.
7. Clark, D. A. (1988, September) Anxious and depressive thinking in clinical and nonclinical individuals. Paper presented at symposium on intrusive cognitions and clinical problems, World Congress of Behavior Therapy, Edinburgh, Scotland.
6. Clark, D. A., Beck, A.T & Stewart, B. (1988, September) Personality factors in anxiety and depression. Poster presented at the World Congress of Behavior Therapy, Edinburgh, Scotland.
5. Clark, D. A. (1988, April) Current status of cognitive therapy. Seminar presented at the Annual General Meeting of the College of New Brunswick Psychologists, Saint John, April 13, 1988.
4. Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T. & Brown, G. (1987, November) Life stressors, personality dimensions, and dysfunctional beliefs in depressed and anxious outpatients: a test of the diathesis-stress hypothesis of cognitive theory. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston.
3. Clark, D. A. (1986, June) Feeling and thinking: investigations into the nature of cognitive-affective interaction. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto.
2. Clark, D. A. (1985, April) Cognitive-emotive interaction: a report on two investigations into the nature of anxious and depressive thinking. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the College of Psychologists of New Brunswick, Saint John, N.B.
1. Clark, D. A. (1983, July) The nature of intrusive and depressive cognitions. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Behaviour Therapy, Hull, England.
17. Clark, D. A. (January, 2014). Cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety disorders and worry. Telseminar sponsored by The Practice Institute, Atlanta, Georgia.
16. Clark, D. A. (November 11, 2013). Cure for the Common Cold of Mental Illness? Barbara Dicker Foundation public address, Swinburne University, Melboourne, Australia.
15. Clark, D. A. (October, 2012). Opening Pandora’s Box: Research and clinical implcations of the mental control paradox. Department of Psychology, University of New Brunswick Colloquium, Fredericton, Canada.
14. Mastikhina, L., & Clark, D. A. (April, 2012). Memory recognition bias, intrusions and the cognitive control of disgust emotion. Paper presented at the second research meeting of the Research Consortium on Intrusive Fear, Montreal.
13. Clark, D. A. Obsessions and the Paradox of Mental Control. Colloquium presentation, Department of Psychology, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, October13, 2006.
12. Clark, D. A. Depression in University Students: A Psychologist’s Perspective. Invited speaker for depression seminar sponsored by the UNB Student Union, University of New Brunswick, March 23, 2006.
11. Clark, D. A. Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy for OCD. Invited public address, Issues in Psychology Lecture Series, Department of Psychology, University of New Brunswick, January 25, 2005.
10. Clark, D. A. Thought control in obsessions. Invited colloquium, Psychological Intervention Section, Fernand-Seguin Research Centre, Montréal, Québec, March, 2003.
9. Clark, D. A. Beck’s cognitive theory of depression: Fact or fiction? Colloquium, Department of Psychology, University of Maine, Orono, ME, December , 1998.
8. Clark, D. A. Understanding depression: A reconsideration of Beck’s cognitive vulnerability hypothesis. Special clinical colloquium speaker, Department of Psychology, Dalhousie University, January 19, 1996.
7. Clark, D. A. Why Be Depressed: Examining Our Response to Rejection and Failure. Arts Forum Presentation, Faculty of Arts, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, February, 1994.
6. Clark, D. A. Recent Trends in Cognitive Theory of Anxiety and Depression. Colloquium presentation at Acadia University, Wolfville, N. S., February, 1993.
5. Clark, D. A. Cognitive factors in anxiety and depression. Colloquium lecture at Universite de Moncton, November, 1990.
4. Clark, D. A. Cognitive therapy of depression. Public lecture on given at symposium on depression held at the Dr Everett Chalmers Hospital, November, 1988.
3. Clark, D. A. Cognitive dysfunction in the eating disorders. Lecture given at the weekly teaching seminar at the Center for Cognitive Therapy, Philadelphia, March, 1987.
2. Clark, D. A. Emotional disorders: diagnosis and treatment. June,1986. A series of five guest appearances on the CHSJ TV program Mid-day, Saint John, N.B.
1. Clark, D. A. Cognitive-emotive interaction: a report on two investigations into the nature of anxious and depressive cognitions. Paper presented at a Psychology Colloquium, Institute of Psychiatry, October, 1984.
Past & current journal editorial board member:
Ad hoc (external) reviewer:
Anxiety Research | Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly |
Anxiety, Stress, and Coping: An International Journal | Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology |
British Journal of Clinical Psychology | Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases |
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology |
Behavioral Psychotherapy | Journal of Psychopathology & Behavioral Assessment |
Behaviour Research and Therapy | Journal of Research in Personality |
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science | Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin |
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy | Psychiatry Research |
Cognitive Therapy and Research | Psychological Bulletin |
Journal of Abnormal Psychology | Women and Health |
Conference and research grant evaluation (ad hoc):
Graduate Students | Undergraduate Students |
Catherine Hilchey (PhD; current) | Kaylee Fillmore (BA, current) |
Nicola McHale (PhD, current) | Lisa Mistikhina (BA, past) |
Adriana del Palacio-González (PhD, current) | Reneé Matte (BA, past) |
Mujgan Altin (PhD, co-supervisor; past) | Michelle Valley (BA, past) |
Anna Campbell (PhD, past) | Blake MacGowen (BA, past) |
Brendan Guyitt (PhD, past) | Choni Tenzin (BA, past) |
Adrienne Wang (PhD, past) | Jeff Maguire (BA, past) |
Natasha Crewdsen (PhD, past) | Junjie Hou (BSc, past; co-supervisor) |
Tina Oates-Johnson (PhD, past) | Jennifer Anthony (BA, past) |
Dean Snow (PhD, past) | Laura Robertson (BA, past) |
Rama Gupta-Rogers (PhD, past) | Beth Seamans (BA, past) |
Christine Purdon (PhD, past) | Lesa Maxan (BA, past) |
Nick Lowther (BA, past) | |
Marvin Claybourn (BA, past) | |
Monika Stelzl (BA, past) | |
Natasha Crewdsen (BA, past) | |
Amanda Henry (BA, past; co-supervisor) | |
Tina Oates (BA, past) | |
Tracy Cortes (BA, past) | |
Daniel Deveau (BA, past) | |
Korrine Louison (BA, past) | |
Tammy Ward (BA, past) | |
Carla Gunn (BA, past) | |
Kelly McMurray (BA, past) | |
Twila Plant (BA, past) | |
Kathleen McKim-Dawes (BA, past) |
Thesis committee membership/examination: 27 graduate students from universities in Canada, United States, Australia, and Israel.
Aaron T. Beck, M.D.
Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania Medical School
S. Rachman, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Department of Psychology
University of British Columbia