Forthcoming Publications

Clark, D. A. (2025). Overcoming paralyzing doubt and indecision: A CBT workbook to conquer the fear, uncertainty, and anxiety that keep you stuck. Manuscript submitted for publication.


2018 - 2025

Clark, D.A. ( 2024). This is what anxiety looks like: Relatable stories, targeted solutions, and CBT skills for lasting relief. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Clark, D.A. & Beck, A.T. (2023). The Anxiety and Worry Workbook: The cognitive behavioral solution, 2nd edition. New York: Guilford Press.

Clark, D.A. (2022). The Anxious Thoughts Workbook for Teens: CBT skills to quiet the unwanted negative thoughts that cause anxiety & worry. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Clark, D. A. (2022). Cognitive reappraisal. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 29, 564-566.

Clark, D.A. (2020). The Negative Thoughts Workbook: CBT skills to overcome repetitive worry, shame and rumination that drive anxiety and depression. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Ghandehari, O., Gallant, N. L., Hadjistavropoulos, T., Williams, J., & Clark, D. A. (2020). The relationship between the pain experience and emotion regulation in older adults. Pain Medicine, 21, 3366-3376.

Clark, D.A. (2020). Cognitive Behavior Therapy for OCD and It’s Subtypes (2nd ed). New York: Guilford.

Belloch, A., Sica, C. Pascual-Vera, B., Akın, B., Bottesi, G., Clark, D. A., Doron, G., et al. (2019). The cross-cultural expression and transdiagnostic nature of unwanted mental intrusions. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 19, 85-96.

Clark, D.A. (2018). The Anxious Thoughts Workbook: Skills to overcome the unwanted intrusive thoughts that drive anxiety, obsessions and depression. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Clark, D.A. (2018). Controlling your mind: A workbook for anxiety, depression and obsessions. London: Robinson.

2009 - 2017

del Palacio-Gonzalez, A., Clark, D.A., & O'Sullivan, L.F. (2017). Distress severity following a romantic breakup is associated with positive relationship memories among emerging adults. Emerging Adulthood, DOI: 10.1177/2167696817704117.

Clark, D.A. & Guyitt, B. (2016). Schema theory for depression. In: Wells, A. & Fisher, P.L. (Eds.), Treating depression:  MCT, CBT, and third wave therapies. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

del Palacio-Gonzalez, A., Clark, D.A., & O'Sullivan, L.F. (2016). Cognitive processing in the aftermath of relationship dissolution: Associations with congruent and prospective distress and posttraumatic growth. Stress and Health,, 1-9. doi 10.1002/smi.2738.

Clark, D.A., & Hilchey, C. (2015). Depressive personaltiy disorder. In: Beck, A.T., Davis, D., Freeman, A., & Associates. Cognitive therapy of personality disorders (3rd ed.)(pp. 223-243). New York: Guilford Press.

Brown, G. P., & Clark, D. A. (Eds.) (2015). Cognitive therapy assessment, diagnosis and case formulation. New York: Guilford Press.

Clark, D. A., & Inozu, M. (2014). Unwanted intrusive thoughts: Cultural, contextual, covariationa, and characterological determinants of diversity. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Realted Disorders, 3, 195-204.

Clark, D.A. & Radomsky, A. S. (2014). Introduction: A global perspective on unwanted intrusive thoughts. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Realted Disorders, 3, 265-268. 

Radomsky, A. S., Alcolado, G. M., Abramowitz, J., Alonso, P., Belloch, A., Bouvard, M., Clark, D. A., et al. (2014). Part 1. You can run but you can’t hide: Intrusive thoughts on six continents. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 3, 269-279.

Moulding, R., Coles, M.E., Abramowitz, J.S., Alcolado, G.M., ..., Clark, D.A., et al. (2014). Part 2. They scare because we care: The relatiosnhip between obsessive intrusive thoughts and appraisals and control strategies. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 3, 280-291.

Clark, D. A.  , & Simos, G. (2013). Obsessive compulsive spectrum disorders: Diagnosis, theory and treatment. Chapter submitted to:  Simos, G. & Hofmann, S. (Eds). Cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety disorders (pp. 25-55). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Clark, D. A. (2013). Collaborative empiricism: A cognitive response to exposure reluctance and low distress tolerance. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice , 20 , 445-454.

Clark, D. A. & Beck, A. T. (2012).  The worry and anxiety workbook: The cognitive behavioral solution.  New York: Guilford Press.

Soriano, G.-G., Belloch, A., Clark, D. A., & del Palacio, A.  (2012). Self-worth contingencies and obsessionality: A promising approach to vulnerability? Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders, 1, 196-202.

Clark, D. A. & Beck, A. T. (2011). El Modelo Cognitivo de Ansiedad: Reformulación e Implicaciones para el Tratamiento [The Cognitive Model of Anxiety: A Reformulation and It’s Implications for Treatment]. In Rodríguez-Biglieri, R. & Vetere, G. (Comps.). Manual de terapia cognitiva conductual de los trastornos de ansiedad [Handbook of cognitive behavioural therapy of anxiety disorders]. (pp. 65-106). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Polemos.

Clark, D. A. & Beck, A. T. (2010). Cognitive therapy for anxiety disorders; Science and practice. New York: Guilford Press. [Translations: Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian]

Clark, D. A., & Beck, A. T. (2010). Cognitive theory and therapy of anxiety and depression: A convergence with neurobiological findings. Trends in Cognitive Science, 14, 418-424.

Belloch, A., Reina, N., Garcia-Soriano, G., & Clark, D. A. (2009). Inventario Clark-Beck de Obsesión-Compulsión (C-BOCI): Validación para su uso en población española. Revista de Psicopatologia y Psicologia Clinica, 14, 95-105.

Clark, D. A., & Purdon, C. (2009). Mental control of unwanted intrusive thoughts: A phenomenological study of nonclinical individuals. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 2, 267-281.

Clark, D. A. (2009). Cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety and depression: Possibilities and limitations of a transdiagnostic perspective. Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 30(suppl. 1), 29-34.

Clark, D. A., & Taylor, S. (2009). The transdiagnostic perspective in cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety and depression: New wine for old wineskins?  Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly, 23, 60-66.

Clark, D. A. (2009). Cognitive therapy: Art or science? Cognitive Therapy Today, 14, 4-6. (on-line newsletter)

Clark, D. A., Hollifield, M., Leahy, R. & Beck, J. S. (2009). Theory of cognitive therapy. In: Gabbard, G. O.(Ed.), Textbook of psychotherapeutic treatments (pp. 165-200). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing.


2000 - 2008

Steer, R. A., Clark, D. A., Kumar, G., & Beck, A. T. (2008). Common and specific dimensions of self-reported anxiety and depression in adolescent outpatients. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 30, 163-170.

Clark, D. A., & Guyitt, B. (2008). Pure obsessions: Conceptual misnomer or clinical anomaly? In J. S. Abramowitz, D. McKay, &  S. Taylor (Eds.), Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Subtypes and spectrum conditions (pp. 53-75). Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Clark, D. A. (2007). Obsessions and compulsions. In: N. Kazantzis & L. L’Abate (Eds.), Handbook of homework assignments in psychotherapy: Research, practice and prevention (pp. 315-334). New York: Springer.

Purdon, C. & Clark, D. A. (2005). Overcoming Obsessive Thoughts: Free Your Mind from OCD. New Harbinger Press, Oakland, CA.

Clark, D. A. (2005). Intrusive thoughts in clinical disorders: Theory, Research & Treatment. New York: Guilford Press.

Clark, D. A., Antony, M. M., Beck, A. T., Swinson, R. P., & Steer, R. A. (2005). Screening for obsessive and compulsive symptoms: Validation of the Clark-Beck Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory, Psychological Assessment, 17, 132-143.

Clark, D. A. & O’Connor, K. (2005). Thinking is believing: Ego-dystonic intrusive thoughts in obsessive-compulsive disorder.  In:  D. A. Clark (Ed.), Unwanted intrusive thoughts in clinical disorders. New York: Guilford Publications.

Clark, D. A. & Rhyno, S. (2005). Unwanted intrusive thoughts in nonclinical populations. In: D. A. Clark (Ed.), Unwanted intrusive thoughts in clinical disorders. New York: Guilford Publications.

Reinecke, M. A., & Clark, D. A. (2004). Cognitive therapy across the lifespan: Theory, Research and Practice. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Clark, D. A. (2004).Cognitive behaviorial therapy for OCD. New York: Guilford Press.

Clark, D. A. (2004). Cognitive theory and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder: Past contributions and current developments.  In: R. L. Leahy (Ed.), Contemporary cognitive therapy: Theory, research and Practice.  New York: Guilford Publications.

Clark, D. A. (2004). Design considerations in prevention research. In D. J. A. Dozois & K. S. Dobson (Eds.), The prevention of anxiety and depression: Theory, research and practice.  Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Clark, D. A. & Reinecke, M. (2004). Cognitive therapy in the 21st century: Current status and future directions. In: M. Reinecke & D. A. Clark (Eds.), Cognitive therapy across the lifespan: Theory, research and practice (pp. 507-528).  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Clark, D. A. & Purdon, C. (2004). Cognitive theory and therapy of obsessions and compulsions: A critical re-examination. In: M. Reinecke & D. A. Clark (Eds.), Cognitive therapy across the lifespan: Theory, research and practice (pp. 90-116). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Clark, D. A., Purdon, C., & Wang, A. (2003). The Meta-Cognitive Beliefs Questionnaire: Development of a measure of obsessional beliefs. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 41, 655-669.

Clark, D. A., & Beck, A. T. (2002). Clark-Beck Obsessive Compulsive Inventory.  San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Clark, D. A., & Beck, A. T. (2002). Manual for the Clark-Beck Obsessive Compulsive Inventory.  San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Purdon, D. A. & Clark, D. A. (2002).  Mental control beliefs and appraisals in OCD.   In R.O. Frost & G. Steketee (Eds.), Cognitive approaches to obsessions and compulsions: Theory, assessment and treatment (pp. 29-43).  Oxford: Elsevier Press.

Clark, D. A. (2002). A cognitive perspective on OCD and depression: Distinct and related features. In R.O. Frost & G. Steketee (Eds.), Cognitive approaches to obsessions and compulsions: Theory, assessment and treatment (pp. 233-250).  Oxford: Elsevier Press.

Clark, D. A. (2001). The persistent problem of negative cognition in anxiety and depression: New perspectives and old controversies. Behavior Therapy, 32, 3-12.

Purdon, C. & Clark, D. A. (2001). Suppression of obsession-like thoughts in nonclinical individuals: Impact on thought frequency, appraisal and mood state. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 39, 1163-1181.

Clark, D. A. (2000). Cognitive behavior therapy for obsessions and compulsions: New applications and emerging trends. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 30, 129-147.

Purdon, C., & Clark, D. A. (2000). White bears and other elusive intrusions: Assessing the relevance of thought suppression for obsessional phenomena.  Behavior Modification, 24, 425-453.

Clark, D. A., Purdon, C., & Byers, E. S. (2000). Appraisal and control of sexual and non-sexual intrusive thoughts in university students. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38, 439-455.

1990 - 1999

Clark, D. A. & Beck, A. T. (with Alford, B.) (1999). Scientific Foundations of Cognitive Theory and Therapy of Depression. New York: John Wiley & Sons.  [Translation: Italian.]

Steer, R. A., Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T., & Ranieri, W. F. (1998). Common and specific dimensions of self-reported anxiety and depression: the BDI-II vs. the BDI-IA. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 37, 183-190.

Clark, D. A., Cook, A., & Snow, D. (1998). Depressive symptom differences in hospitalized, medically ill, depressed psychiatric inpatients and nonmedical controls. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 107, 38-48.

Clark, D. A. (1997). Twenty years of cognitive assessment: Current status and future directions. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 996-1000.

Beck, A. T., & Clark, D. A. (1997). An information processing model of anxiety: reconsidering the role of automatic and strategic processes. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 35, 49-58.

Clark, D. A., & Steer, R. A. (1996).  Empirical status of the cognitive model of anxiety and depression. P. Salkovskis (Ed.), Frontiers of cognitive therapy. New York: Guilford Press.

Clark, D. A., Steer, R. A., Beck, A. T., & Snow, D. (1996). Is the relationship between anxious and depressive cognitions and symptoms linear or curvilinear? Cognitive Therapy and Research, 20, 135-154.

Clark, D. A., & Purdon, C. (1995). The assessment of unwanted intrusive thoughts: A critique of the literature.  Behaviour Research and Therapy, 33, 967-976.

Steer, R. A., Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T., & Ranieri, W. F. (1995). Common and specific dimensions of self-reported anxiety and depression: A replication. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 104, 542-545.

Clark, D. A., Steer, R. A. & Beck, A. T.  (1994).  Common and specific dimensions of self-reported anxiety and depression:  Implications for the cognitive and tripartite models.  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 103, 645-654.

Purdon, C. & Clark, D. A.  (1994).  Obsessive intrusive thoughts in nonclinical subjects.  Part II.  Cognitive appraisal, emotional response and thought control strategies. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 32, 403-410.

Clark, D. A. & Beck, A. T., & Beck, J. S. (1994).  Symptom differences in major depression, dysthymia, panic and generalized anxiety disorder.  American Journal of Psychiatry, 151, 205-209.

Clark, D. A. & Purdon, C. (1993). New perspectives for a cognitive theory of obsessions.  Australian Psychologist, 28, 161-167.

Purdon, C. & Clark, D. A. (1993).  Obsessive intrusive thoughts in nonclinical subjects.  Part I.  Content and relation with depressive, anxious and obsessional symptoms.  Behaviour Research and Therapy, 31, 713-720.

Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T. & Brown, G. K.  (1992).   Sociotropy, autonomy and life event perceptions in dysphoric and nondysphoric individuals.  Cognitive Therapy and Research, 16, 635-652.

Beck, A. T., Sokol, L., Clark, D. A., Berchick, B., & Wright, F.  (1992).    A crossover study of focused cognitive therapy for panic disorder.  American Journal of Psychiatry, 149, 778-783.

Clark, D. A.  (1992).  Depressive, anxious and intrusive thoughts in psychiatric inpatients and outpatients.  Behaviour Research and Therapy, 30, 93-102.

Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T. & Stewart, B. (1990) Cognitive specificity and positive-negative affectivity: Complementary or contradictory views on anxiety and depression?  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 99, 148-155.


1982 - 1989

Clark, D. A. & Beck A. T. (1989)  Cognitive and cognitive-behavioral treatments of anxiety and depression. In P. Kendall & D. Watson (eds.) Anxiety and Depression: Distinctions and Overlapping Features. Orlando: Academic Press (pp. 379-411).

Clark, D. A. & Nicki, R.M. (1989) Frequency as a moderating variable in self-report measures of negative cognition. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 27, 475-477.

Clark, D. A., Beck, A. T. & Brown, G. (1989) Cognitive mediation in psychiatric outpatients: a test of the content-specificity hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56, 958-964.

Beck, A. T. & Clark, D. A. (1988) Anxiety and depression: an information processing perspective.  Anxiety Research, 1, 23-36.

Clark, D. A. (1988) The validity of measures of cognition: A review of the literature. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 12, 1-20.

Clark, D. A. (1986) Cognitive-affective interaction: A test of the "specificity" and "generality"   hypotheses. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 10, 607-623.

Clark, D. A. (1986) Factors influencing the retrieval and control of negative cognitions. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 24, 151-159.

Clark, D. A. & deSilva, P. (1985) The nature of depressive and anxious, intrusive thoughts: distinct or uniform phenomena?  Behaviour Research & Therapy, 23, 383-393.

Clark, D. A., Sugrim, I. & Bolton, D. (1982) Primary obsessional slowness: a nursing  treatment programme with a thirteen year old male adolescent. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 20, 289-292.